Laser production workshop for the Lithuanian public
Laser industry production activity in Lithuania is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year and, according to experts, it is one of the most developed areas of Lithuanian industry. However, a rare resident of our country knows how Lithuanian lasers, which have been making Lithuania famous>> Read more
Echoes of the “Laser World of Photonics” exhibition in Munich
„Laser World of Photonics“ - one of the largest industry exhibitions in Munich, which took place on 27-30 of June and attracting around 1,300 companies in the field of photonics every year, has just closed its doors until next year. A record number of Lithuanian>> Read more
Digital innovation centers – support for business digital transformation
The implementation of digitization processes is relevant for both traditional industry and high-tech sectors. Digital transformation allows companies to modernize old processes, speed up workflow, strengthen security and increase profitability. Many businesses have heard about the importance of digitization and the benefits it creates in a>> Read more
Lithuanian laser passes Dakar test
How to make sure that the laser is suitable for use in harsh conditions? Do a test in a challenging environment! LITILIT team sent their femtosecond Neolit laser, together with B. Vanagas team, to the Dakar Rally, where heat, sand, and shaking are constant companions. According to>> Read more
The group of UAB “Optonas” companies attracted 4.4 million. EUR investment
UAB "Optonas", a high-tech company that produces complex optical elements covered with special coatings for laser and other optical systems, has successfully completed the stage of attracting investments. The company received 4.4 million EUR financing for development. More information:>> Read more
The laser welding system developed by the Lithuanian company is already on the German market
The company Diodela, which develops the latest generation laser welding systems, participated in a visit to Northern Germany organized by Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) in order to start exporting its products to Germany, and found new partners. "Wenzel Schweißtechnik OHG" significantly contributes to the successful>> Read more
LITEK members create world-recognizable products
Ekspla is among Prism Award 2023 finalists in the laser category. Their innovation – Single Housing MIR Tunable Picosecond Laser PT277-XIR – helps to see molecular formations that are about a thousand times smaller than the thickness of a hair and is a perfect tool>> Read more
EU’s Science Facilities are Calling for Business Partners
Science facilities are always on the outlook for possible collaborators and partners in a wide range of industrial sectors. They are constantly looking for suppliers and partners, and require help to maintain older machines as well as develop and set up new structures. Representatives of Europe’s>> Read more
LITILIT – the leader of Taiwanese investments in Central and Eastern Europe in Lithuania
LITEK™ cluster member LITILIT is the first Lithuanian company which attract 3.5 million EUR investment from the Taiwanese venture capital company "Taiwania Capital", which manages 200 million The US dollar fund that is planned to be used for island investments in Central and Eastern Europe.>> Read more
Photonics – the accelerator for innovation in the industry
The international specialized exhibition of technologies, innovations and engineering solutions BALTTECHNIKA 2022 - the most important event of the year of the engineering industry in Lithuania, whose main goal is to contribute to the sustainable growth of the engineering industry and technology sector in Lithuania,>> Read more