The Indian company will develop a driving system for autonomous vehicles in Lithuania
Tonbo Imaging, which develops products for the Indian military, plans to set up a research laboratory in Lithuania for the development of prototype of autonomous transport system. The estimated value of the project is almost EUR 12 million, and the company plans to implement it>> Read more
High-impact technologies and clusters: why it is promising
An important source of innovation is the Key Enabling Technologies, which Europe has highlighted as crucial for the development of high value-added products. Although this term is not yet very common in Lithuania, business and industry should be more aware of the benefits of high-impact technologies. These>> Read more
About the principles, on which the partnership being successfully developed by cluster′s, is based
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform has unveiled a video story in which Linas Eriksonas, the coordinator of LITEK™ projects LASER-GO and LASER-Go Global, shared the ideas of the consortium partners how to create strong, sustainable, trust-based long-term relationships in target markets outside the EU. The>> Read more
LITEK™ companies at the LASYS exhibition in Germany
On June 4-7th, the 6th International Trade Fair for Laser Material Processing (LASYS) took place in Stuttgart, Germany. According to the organizers of this event, the exhibition demonstrated a wide range of applications of laser technologies, used in materials processing, such as the separation />> Read more
LITEK™ companies at the CLEO exhibition in the United States of America
The Conference/ Exhibition on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO), in which industry from around the world had the opportunity to discuss new scientific ideas and research also companies could show photonics technologies innovations, took place in the largest conference center of Silicon Valley in San>> Read more
The visit of the United Arab Emirates delegation to LITEK™
The business delegation from United Arab Emirates (UAE) visited the Laser & Engineering technologies cluster (LITEK™) on May 10th. After the visit to Estonia and Latvia, the delegation arrived on a business mission to Lithuania. The main objective of this visit>> Read more
JSC “Elas” – one of the winners of the “Good Design 2018” competition
The winners of the 2018 contest "GOOD DESIGN" were announced at the Lithuanian National Martynas Mažvydas Library in Vilnius on the 7th of May, during the "Design Week". The third place in the category "product and industrial design" was won by the company "Elas", the>> Read more
The workshop of generation international project′s activities and ideas in LITEK™
The representatives of Optence e.V, the German Rheine-Pfalz Region cluster, visited the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) and Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) in Lithuania, as well as in photonics companies whole week of April 16-20th. There was organized the workshop>> Read more
The visit of MOSTA and Interreg Europe program in the project “Innovation Policy-mix for Advanced Manufacturing in European Regions (MANUMIX)”delegation to LITEK
The delegation from the Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA) and the Interreg Europe program in the project „Innovation Policy-Mix for Advanced Manufacturing in European Regions (MANUMIX) visited Laser and Engineering Technologies Cluster (LITEK™) on April 17th. The project MANUMIX unites partners>> Read more
The visit of Chinese Ambassador to LITEK™
The Chinese Ambassador in Lithuania Mr. Shen Zhifei and accompanying staff of the Chinese Embassy: Commercial Advisor Mr. Lin Chen, Second Secretary Ms. Zhenyu Shao, Attache Mr. Yichang Fano visited the Laser and engineering technology cluster (LITEK™) on April 9th. Delegation was accepted by director>> Read more