5 EUR coin dedicated to Physics
Lithuanian Bank released 5 euro collector coin for physics on 29th of March, 2016. This is the third coin of the series "Lithuanian science". Vilnius University Rector prof. A. Žukauskas was glad that coins release coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of first Lithuanian laser lightening. The>> Read more
The visit of representatives of Svencionys district
Representatives of Svencionys district’s schools have visited Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Centre on 26th of February. Delegation consisted school administration, career development professionals, physics, information technology and mathematics teachers. Purpose of the visit was to familiarize with Laser and Engineering Technologies Cluster as a>> Read more
Bystronic delivered a new generation metal processing machines
Bystronic seminar was held in Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster (LITEK) on 18th of February, 2016. Bystronic develops and sells systems for sheet processing. The headquarters are in Niederönz, Switzerland. Two additional development and manufacturing locations are in Gotha (Germany) and Tianjin (China). Bystronic has>> Read more
New project! LASER-GO: Creating and Developing the Strategic Cluster Partnership in Photonics for Health, COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03
Partners from Lithuania (coordinator), France and Austria have launched the LASER-GO project at the beginning of 2016. The project aims to increase Europe’s innovation potential and the export-driven growth by connecting three regions situated at important crossroads in Europe by leveraging the competitive strengths of>> Read more
New project! RespiceSME: Regional and National European Support for Photonics Innovation Clusters enhancing SMEs Innovation Potential, H2020-ICT-2015
European partners – Germany, Sweden, France, Greece, Austria, Lithuania, Spain, Ireland, and the UK and have launched the RespiceSME project at the beginning of 2016. The project aims at helping enhance the total innovation potential of European photonics small and medium-sized enterprises (ESM) in optics/photonics>> Read more
Baltic Photonic Cluster collaboration with LITEK cluster
Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster concluded a collaboration agreement with Baltic Photonic Cluster on 30th of November, 2015. The objectives of BPC (Baltic Photonics Cluster) are facilitation of photonics research and industrial activities in Baltic countries through the development and coordination of relationships with European Photonics>> Read more
The visit of Armenian delegation
Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Evaldas Gustas together with a delegation from Armenia - Minister of Economy of the Republic of Armenia Karen Chshmaritian, Lithuanian Ambassador to Armenia Erikas Petrikas and several representatives of Armenia‘s government have visited Sunrise Valley Technology and>> Read more
The Swedish royal couple visited the Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Centre
The Swedish royal couple - King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia visited Sunrise Valley technology and Innovation Center on 8th of October, 2015. Honorable couple was accompanied by Lithuanian Prime Minister A. Butkevičius with his wife, Swedish businessmen and other honored guests. During the>> Read more
The visit of The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
The experts from The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have visited Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Centre on 10ht of September, 2015. The OECD provides a forum in which governments can work together to share experiences and seek solutions to common problems. OECD>> Read more
An opening of Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Center
An official opening ceremony of Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Center was held on 10th of July, 2015. Benefits of collaboration among science, business and the government and the meaning of their synergy was emphasized by honored guests the whole event. Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation>> Read more