Lithuanian laser passes Dakar test
How to make sure that the laser is suitable for use in harsh conditions? Do a test in a challenging environment! LITILIT team sent their femtosecond Neolit laser, together with B. Vanagas team, to the Dakar Rally, where heat, sand, and shaking are constant companions. According to>> Read more
LITEK members create world-recognizable products
Ekspla is among Prism Award 2023 finalists in the laser category. Their innovation – Single Housing MIR Tunable Picosecond Laser PT277-XIR – helps to see molecular formations that are about a thousand times smaller than the thickness of a hair and is a perfect tool>> Read more
The digitization of European companies will be accelerated by PhotonHUB and PULSATE
The webinar “ Innovation and Photonics Technology – Now You Can!” held on March 23d attracted the interest of both Lithuanian and foreign representatives. During this event, two European projects PhotonHUB and PULSATE were presented. Projects provide to small and medium-sized industrial enterprises an access>> Read more
LITEK™ participates in PhotonHUB Europe project
The international photonics project PhotonHub Europe: One-Stop-Shop Open Access to Photonics Innovation Support for a Digital Europe has been launched. The aim of the project is to create one-stop-shop access to a network of centers of excellence and a sustainable research and innovation support ecosystem>> Read more
Join the webinar: „Innovation and Photonics Technology – Now You Can!“
Traditional industry and high-tech companies are invited to the webinar „Innovation and Photonics Technology – Now you Can!“ organized by the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) and Laser and Engineering Technologies cluster (LITEK ™). The webinar will be about shaping Europe’s digital future>> Read more
FTMC achievements in laser research have been awarded the Lithuanian Science Prize 2020
On February 4 the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (LAA) has announced the winners of the Lithuanian Science Prize 2020. A total of six working groups were honored with this prestigious award, including researchers from the Department of Laser Technologies of the Centre for Physical Sciences>> Read more
Call for technology transfer experiments
Companies are invited to submit applications and receive up to 150 thousand. EUR funding for the deployment of innovative laser systems (Technology Transfer Experiments (TTE)) to digitize production processes, thus improving operational productivity, flexibility and interoperability. Projects will be funded, including the development of innovative>> Read more
Virtual tour to scientific laboratories – mission possible
LITEK™ members invited students of final grades of gymnasium to get acquainted with photonics laser technologies successfully developed in Lithuania. Last Friday, 18th of September, the XVII Science Festival "Spaceship Earth" finished, forcing participants and organizers to show flexibility due to the changing conditions of>> Read more
LITEK™ members in the fight against the virus
One of the biggest societal challenges in the fight against the COVID-19 virus is its rapid spread. Confrontation with the virus affects not only public health, security, but also the education system and the economy as a whole. So far, a large proportion of infectious>> Read more
“Fast money” for innovation of LITEK™ cluster members
SME entities that are starting or are already carrying out innovative activities have the opportunity to take advantage of European Union public investments through the “Innovation vouchers” tool for several years. According to LITEK™ cluster manager Julius Paužolis, this tool has become much more attractive>> Read more