The future Government highlights the importance of clusters for the recovery of economics
On the 20th of November 2012 Lithuanian President nominated A. Butkevičius for the position of Prime Minister to be considered in the parliament. Candidate for Prime Minister noted in his speech, that Government will have an important task to analyze and inventory projects, evaluating their>> Read more
LITEK attended a coaching training program
On 24-27 of September, 2012 LITEK training session from the cycle “Training about team building and cooperation reinforcement” was held, which is partly funded by means of the project “Reinforcement of international competitiveness of Laser and engineering technology cluster”. Creation, manufacturing of new products and>> Read more
LITEK attended an international expo in Frankfurt
In May 22-25 an international expo on optics processing technologies, optical components and systems, used in optical and laser equipment, OPTATEC 2012 was held in Frankfurt. Laser and engineering technology cluster LITEK also attended this expo. Altogether more than 500 companies and education institutions from>> Read more