
LITEK activities coordinator
Public Entity "Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics"“

Savanoriu ave. 235 Vilnius, LT-02300
Phone 85 266 16 40
Fax: 8 5 260 23 17
Email: info@litek.lt

Review of ExpoLaser 2013

The exhibition ExpoLaser 2013 took part in Piacenza, Italy on 14th-16th of November. The main participants of the exhibition were Italian manufacturers of lasers and laser systems that are used in industry and medicine. Also, there were exhibiting various distributing companies that operate in the Italian market. ExpoLaser>> Read more

LITEK members participated at “Optics+Optoelectronics”

The exibition „SPIE Optics+Optoelectronics“ was held in accordance with the conference and took place in Prague, Czech Republic from 15th to 18th of April, 2013. The main focus of this exhibition was on European laser components that were used in opto-electronics, optical instruments and lasers. During this exhibition>> Read more

LITEK presented on cluster-cooperation event in Copenhagen

In 2013 April 9-10 Baltic Sea Region (BSR) "Innovation Express Cluster-to-Cluster" event took place in Copenhagen (Denmark). International clusters and innovation expert conference was not only for dialogue between clusters, discussed funding opportunities, but also shared ideas for new cluster projects. Cluster LITEK was also>> Read more

LITEK attended in efficient meeting moderation training

On 9-10 April, 2013 LITEK training session from the cycle “Training about team building and cooperation reinforcement” was held, which is partly funded by means of the project “Reinforcement of international competitiveness of Laser and Engineering technology cluster”. Topic of the training was "Effective Conducting>> Read more

LITEK visited an international expo in San Francisco

Conference and expo “Photonics West” was held in San Francisco (California, USA) in 5-7 of February, 2013. LITEK representatives visited this expo. “Photonics West” conference and expo is one of the most influencing events in photonics – biophotonics and biomedical optics, manufacturing of high-power lasers,>> Read more

Whale Done! Training for LITEK members

On 10-18 of January, 2013 LITEK training session from the cycle “Training about team building and cooperation reinforcement” was held, which is partly funded by means of the project “Reinforcement of international competitiveness of Laser and engineering technology cluster”. Topic of the training was “The>> Read more