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LITEK™ > Events  > Review of “Advanced Solid State Lasers” conference and exhibition

Review of “Advanced Solid State Lasers” conference and exhibition

The exhibition that was held in accordance with the conference „Advanced Solid State Lasers“ took place in Paris, France from 27th of October until 1st of November. The Laser and Engineering Technology Cluster was represented by two companies at the exhibition: EKSMA OPTICS and EKSPLA. The companies were introducing new products that were in accordance with the thematic of the conference – electro-optical laser modulators, drivers and power supplies for drivers, new fiber femtosecond lasers and ultra-short pulse laser harmonic generators.

More than 50 companies from Europe, Asia and United States were participating at Advanced Solid State Lasers. According to the organizers, there were 400 attendees at the conference and they were the visitors of the exhibition. Comparing with other exhibitions it should be noticed that the amount of visitors is not big, but the visitors are the very key persons from the target companies. At the exhibition venue there were poster sessions and coffee breaks during the conference sesions and it ensured flow of visitors. During the exhibiton 15 Laser Components catalogues, 50 product brochures and 50 USB keys were distributed.

The Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL) conference was a pilot conference that had derived from previous conference Advanced Solid State Photonics (ASSP). The conference time was changed from February to October. Besides ASSL, two additional sessions, Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources and Applications of Lasers for Sensing & Free Space Communication, were held.

The next Advanced Solid State Lasers conference will be held in Shanghai, China, 2014 and in Boston, USA in 2015.

Some moments from ASSL 2013: