
LITEK activities coordinator
Public Entity "Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics"“

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LITEK™ > Events  > An opening of Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Center

An opening of Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Center

An official opening ceremony of Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Center was held on 10th of July, 2015. Benefits of collaboration among science, business and the government and the meaning of their synergy was emphasized by honored guests the whole event.

Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Center – an area in Vilnius of Physics institute of Center for Physical Sciences and Technology that brings together business and education for more than 30 years. It employs Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, the Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics and a high-tech enterprises. Open access centers, which were created by foundation of the European Union and private investments, have created new opportunities for applications and implementation of technologies of optoelectronics and engineering and environmental of both science and industry.

Sunrise Valley Technology and Innovation Center already operates 23 enterprises that develop and adapt high technologies. Participated in the opening ceremony President D.Grybauskaitė said that our scientists have something to offer to the world in the field of high technology. According to the President, investments in high-tech not only develops a progress but also new jobs and attract foreign investment to Lithuania. Mr. G. Valušis, a director of Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, said that science and business cooperation is urgently needed in order to move the good traditions of Lithuanian lasers into new areas – optoelectronics, nano-engineering, development of new functional materials, and reaffirm that science does not stop at the scientific articles but it generates new technologies and innovation in the country.