The visit of ORGALIME director and the Presidium of LINPRA to LITEK
The Director, Mr. Adrian Harris, of European engineering industries association (ORGALIME) and the Presidium of The Engineering Industries Association of Lithuania (LINPRA) visited Laser & Engineering Technologies cluster on 31th of Match, 2015.
Orgalime is the European federation representing the interests at the level of the EU institutions of the European mechanical, electrical, electronic and metal articles industries as a whole. Orgalimes member federations directly or indirectly represent some 130,000 companies of an industry employing some 10 million people. Orgalime vision is to actively promote the development in Europe of the necessary competitive framework conditions under which companies could flourish, provide growth and employment both today and in the long term as manufacturers in the EU, and to ensure that the trading conditions they face are fair, both in the EU and on export markets. LINPRA become Orgalime member in 2003.
During this visit, the Director of „Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics“ Mr. J.Paužolis presented LITEK activities and future plans. Mr. A.Harris acquainted the participants of the meeting with Orgalime operating principles and the latest trends in the engineering industry of Europe.
More about ORGALIME from LINPRA