The Open Doors Day at LITEK™ companies laboratories
This month, in period 12-2th of September, 15th time organized the National Science Festival “Spacecraft Earth” was held during which the Lithuanian society, from the smallest to its biggest member, had the opportunity to get acquainted with the innovations of the science and high technologies not only in the largest cities of Lithuania but also in smaller towns.
Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster (LITEK™), participating in this event for the fourth time, has offered a participants to look at the laboratories of high-tech companies on September 19th. The scientists from JSC “EKSPLA” and the Laser Technologies Department of the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) have told participants the laser beam creation story and also about the areas of application of laser beam. The participants of the event had the opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements of Lithuanian laser technologies also with activities of scientists from JSC “EKSPLA”-the company in whose corridors hanging pictures are witnesses of meaningful and important events that took place not only during the history of the company’s existence but also during the history of development of Lithuanian laser. The guests, visiting the experimental laboratories of this company, also learned how the color of the laser beam changes, what influences the color variation of the laser beam, how much does the laser system cost. The scientists from the Nanoengineering Department of FTMC introduced with the principle of the operation of the atomic force microscope also with a clean water machine that supplies laboratories the special water,much better quality than distilled that has no flavores, minerals, bacteria, but has an interesting property-to attract the color of the contact surface, for example: if the drop of this water is dropped on the table it takes the colour of surface of the table and leaves an unclean stain on it. The participants took a look at the 3D metal printing device and samples of prototype printed parts from this device during the visit to the Laser Technologies Department of FTMC.
Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster (LITEK™) companies hope that information about photonics, scientific achievements in the field of nanotechnology transmitted to the participants of the event during the visit, will be distributed and will interest Lithuanian students and society as well as LITEK™ high-tech companies will visit even more guests during the National Science Festival “Spacecraft Earth” next year, while national universities will receive more students interested in fundamental sciences.