
LITEK activities coordinator
Public Entity "Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics"“

Savanoriu ave. 235 Vilnius, LT-02300
Phone 85 266 16 40
Fax: 8 5 260 23 17
Email: info@litek.lt

LITEK™ > Events (Page 2)

The forum of personnel managers in LITEK™

Public entity „Intechcentras“ organized the forum of personnel managers on 6th Novemeber at LITEK™ training and research center. Public entity „Intechcentras“  has been organizing FACTORY FLOOR NET - experience sharing forums for specialists of manufacturing companies for a number of years already for the managers of>> Read more

The visit of the Chinese delegation to LITEK™

LITEK™ was attended by the delegation of scientists from Chinese Nanjing Laser Technology Institute and Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute on September 21st. The guests met with the scientists from the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC), shared information about the activities, achievements, innovations>> Read more

The Open Doors Day at LITEK™ companies laboratories

This month, in period 12-2th of September, 15th time organized the National Science Festival "Spacecraft Earth"  was held during which the Lithuanian society, from the smallest to its biggest member, had the opportunity to get acquainted with the innovations of the science and high technologies>> Read more

Lithuanian lasers – the country business card abroad

"Lithuanian lasers have already become our country's business card abroad" - said the head of the Lithuanian Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) Kęstutis Šetkus during the presentation of the Lithuanian laser sector to media representatives, emphasizing the contribution of this industry sector to>> Read more

Linear motors – for complex laser systems

“TECNOTION” – globaly leading manufacturer of linear motors visited LITEK™ and held the seminar about possibilities to integrate linear and torque motors in laser systems, produced by LITEK™ companies. “TECNOTION” closely working with lytography and laser cutting technology companies applying linear motors as in atmosferic>> Read more

New opportunities in New Zealand

On June 29th of 2018, the Lithuanian Honorary Consul in New Zealand John Algis Mak, who read a report on business development opportunities in the country, visited Vilnius Tech Park. New Zealand is considered to be the least regulated and open economy in the world,>> Read more