Join the webinar: „Innovation and Photonics Technology – Now You Can!“
Traditional industry and high-tech companies are invited to the webinar „Innovation and Photonics Technology – Now you Can!“ organized by the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) and Laser and Engineering Technologies cluster (LITEK ™). The webinar will be about shaping Europe’s digital future and transforming industry by adopting photonics technologies. Register today and secure your spot to learn about collaboration and funding opportunities.
A common goal to digitize European industry
Department of Laser Technologies of the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) and Laser and Engineering Technologies cluster (LITEK ™) are partners of two pan-European initiatives – PhotonHUB EUROPE and PULSATE – together aiming at bringing photonics in general and laser-based advanced and additive manufacturing technologies closer to European industrial micro, small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). “Innovation and Photonics Technology – Now you Can!” webinar is only the first step for Lithuanian, Polish and other neighboring companies to get acquainted with the photonics-driven industrial transformation. During this event, participants will get opportunity to know how to apply and profit by digitalizing business processes by implementing photonics technologies.
Europe’s idea to digitize and streamline the health, agri-food, electronics, textile and clothing, automotive, energy, security, metalworking and other industries through photonics-based solutions will be presented at a webinar. The great visionaries of the photonics industry, representatives of companies will share the good experience of digitization also discuss at the event.
Participants of the event will be introduced to the possibilities of using the opening funding and other measures of supporting photonics-based digitization. Centers of excellence in various fields of photonics, business development and operation experts will meet with SMEs from Lithuania, Poland and other EU countries wishing to join the photonics revolution.
→ Don’t miss the opportunity to become a part of this revolution ←
The program of the event: PROGRAM
Pre-registration required: REGISTRATION
More information: http://www.laserlt-dih.lt/
“Innovation and photonics technology – Now you can!” belongs to the group of local events of “EU Industry Week 2021” inviting companies and guests from Lithuania, Poland and other neighboring countries to join.