Connecting with the Middle East – Jordan
H.E. Mr. Yarub Qudah, Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with delegation have visited Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster LITEK™ on 5th of October, 2017. The potential of the Lithuanian research institutions and high technology companies, working in the>> Read more
Prepare your skis in the summer, wheels – in the winter, and business partners – constantly
Representatives of Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster LITEK™ have participated in 5th Cluster Matchmaking Conference “Bringing Cluster Collaboration to the Next Level” that organized in Stuttgart, Germany, on 21st – 22nd of September, in order to establish new business relations for future projects. Cluster Matchmaking Conference>> Read more
Members of LITEK™ at „Laser Worlds of Photonics India 2017“
„Laser World of Photonics India 2017“ took place in New Delhi, India, on 14th-16th of September, 2017. Exhibition organized for the sixth time has attracted representatives of laser industry from around the world. Over 160 exhibitors from 16 countries presented their products, services and technologies.>> Read more
Is it easier to light a laser or to engage the public with accurate science?
Laser and Engineering technologies cluster LITEK™ together with its members on 14th of September opened doors to the public that wanted to see where the world-renowned Lithuanian photonic technologies are born. Cluster has been organizing a program for the members of the National Science Festival>> Read more
Annual gathering of the Lithuanian photonics community
On 25-26th of August entire Lithuanian photonics community have participated in the 13th National Conference “Lasers: science and Technology”. On the last weekend of August was a traditional national conference that united Lithuanian laser and optical technologies companies, organizations and scientific institutions. The conference was of>> Read more
New opportunities for cooperation
Representatives of Indian company “Tanbo Imaging“ have visited Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster LITEK on 22th of August, 2017. During this meeting opportunities for cooperation were discussed: Arvind Lakshmikumar, founder and CEO of Tonbo Imaging“ was glad about the meeting and saw particular areas for>> Read more
International exhibition “Laser World of Photonics” in Munich
One of the largest and most significant laser exhibitions “Laser World of Photonics 2017” took place in Munich, Germany on 26th - 29th June. 1293 participants had the opportunity to represent their new developed technologies and products for more than 32,000 exhibitors. This exhibition was>> Read more
RespiceSME 2nd Cluster Meeting on „Boosting the Collaboration of Photonics SMEs in Automotive”
The European project consortium of RespiceSME invites the photonics community to discuss photonics innovations and applications in the automotive sector at the Photonics Inter-Cluster Meeting on 29th June 2017, from 13.00 to 18.00 at the Laser World of Photonics trade fair in Munich. The 2nd edition>> Read more
Finding collaboration fields with South Africa Republic
Representative of „Council for Scientific and Industrial Research“ (CSIR) has visited Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster LITEK on 15th of May, 2017. A visit of Pieter Goosen, responsible for CSIR DPSS (Defense, Peace, Safety and Security) department of international cooperation and business development, to Vilnius>> Read more
Singapore – land of new opportunities
Delegation from Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster (LITEK) visited Singapore on 2th – 7th of April, 2017. The aim of the visit was to gain knowledge about existing obstacles for the trade in high-tech products between Singapore and Europe in general and in photonics and>> Read more