
LITEK activities coordinator
Public Entity "Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics"“

Savanoriu ave. 235 Vilnius, LT-02300
Phone 85 266 16 40
Fax: 8 5 260 23 17
Email: info@litek.lt

LITEK™ > Events  > Annual gathering of the Lithuanian photonics community

Annual gathering of the Lithuanian photonics community

On 25-26th of August entire Lithuanian photonics community have participated in the 13th National Conference “Lasers: science and Technology”. On the last weekend of August was a traditional national conference that united Lithuanian laser and optical technologies companies, organizations and scientific institutions.

The conference was of great interest – more than 600 participants gathered from Lithuania and Lithuanians active in the field of photonics scattered around the world. During the event, the most relevant news in the sector were discussed, gathered news on the latest scientific achievements, and shared insights and experiences. This year, the topics of the conference were focused not only on the scientific field, but also on other topics of photonics which are important to the community: the importance of the promotion of science, the training of qualified staff and lack of qualified staff and etc. During this conference coordinator of Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster LITEK represented latest achievements along with representatives of „Optolita“ (Eksma Optics), „Ekspla“, „ELAS“, „Optida“, „Optonas“ and Center for Physical Sciences and Technology. According to director of “Optonas” G.Jakubėnas, “such gatherings promote cooperation, sharing of experience, establishment of new contacts and new opportunities. It also delivers latest news in Lithuania, in the field of laser and optics”.