
LITEK activities coordinator
Public Entity "Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics"“

Savanoriu ave. 235 Vilnius, LT-02300
Phone 85 266 16 40
Fax: 8 5 260 23 17
Email: info@litek.lt

LITEK™ > PhotonHub Europe

PhotonHub Europe

Ongoing projects

PhotonHub Europe: One-Stop-Shop Open Access to Photonics Innovation Support for a Digital Europe, DT-ICT-04-2020, H2020

PhotonHub Europe is the European center for digital innovation in photonics, combining the latest photonics technologies with EU infrastructure to help micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) deploy photonics faster and smarter to increase their productivity and competitiveness.

The project aims to create one-stop-shop access to a network of Excellence  centers and to create a sustainable research and innovation support ecosystem for the benefit of SMEs that will accelerate the uptake and integration of photonics technologies into innovative products to increase European industrial competitiveness and foster new digital European businesses. models. The services will focus on the following sectors: health, biotechnology, manufacturing, agriculture, food, defense and security, space, digital, automotive, energy.

Project activities: during the project, it will be organized individual meetings, discussions with local competence centers (HUBs) photonics experts, various trainings, partnership events, conferences, exhibitions for European SMEs, depending on their business needs, as well as support in finding investors. More than 500 innovation experts in various fields of photonics and business will provide services for companies.

It is expected, during the project, to realize the potential of photonics innovation for more than 100,000 European SMEs, 5800 demonstration and experience centers will be visited also it will be produced 170 new photonics products directly related to innovation support, more than 1,000 new high technologies workplaces also almost 1 billion. EUR of new income and venture capital will be created in the European Union  until 2025.

Partners: 36 Technology Support, 20 Local Photonics Centers (HUBs), 6 business support partners from different European Union countries (the list is here), coordinated by Vrije University in Brussels. One of the partners is the Laser and Engineering Technologies Cluster (LITEK™), which operates in the field of optoelectronics and laser technologies.

LITEK™ acts as a regional photonics center in this project. Main areas of activity: (i) education and promotion of digitization of SMEs in the region, consulting; (ii) involvement in the creation and development of a pan-European network of digital photonics innovation centers; (iii) search for regional financial support mechanisms for transnational innovation projects.

Project duration: 01/01/2021 – 30/04/2025


March 3, 2021