LASER-GO GLOBAL: Global Development of the European Strategic Partnership in Photonics for Health , Grant Agreement number 783420 LASER-GO –GLOBAL-COS-CLUSINT-2016-03-01
Partners from Lithuania (Coordinator), France, Austria, Spain and Germany completed the project LASER-GO GLOBAL on 30th of June, 2019.
The aim of the project – to develop European cluster cooperation in the field of cross-sectoral health-photonics technology. The consortium brings together six clusters from five advanced and fast growing European Union countries representing around 1600 companies and 100 science and research institutions in the fields of medicine, biotechnology and photonics.
Partners: Optics Valley (OV) – the largest cluster in France specializing in optics, photonics, electronics and software, Styria (HTS)- the main cluster in Austria specializing in life sciences and healthcare technologies, the Medicen Paris Region ( MEDICEN) – the French business cluster specializing in biomedical engineering, the Biocat La Fundacio bioregio de Catalunya (BIOCAT)- the Spanish Catalonia region cluster operating in the ecosystem health and life sciences sector. OPTENCE – Kompetenznetz Optische Technologien Hessen / Rheinland-Pfalz (Optence e.V) is one of Germany’s most important optical technology clusters in the Hesse region and the Rheine-Westphalia region. Laser and engineering technology cluster (LITEK™) is a high-technology cluster operating in the field of optoelectronics and laser technology in Lithuania.
Project activities: it have been explored targeted export markets in Australia, Japan, the United States, South Korea, Malaysia, Israel, Canada during the project period, information on the needs of these markets will be collected for European companies, developing new business relationships, sharing experiences on emerging markets, setting up business representations, delivering European company products and sales offers. It is expected that at least 240 companies will be benefited from this project, the export of innovative products to these target markets will increase by 20% in the future and around 20 million euros for research development will be attracted to cluster companies.
LITEK™ was the coordinator of this project. The cluster was responsible for implementing the project activities in order to create a strong strategic partnership in the field of medical photonics, cooperating with the five clusters mentioned above.
Duration of the project: 01/01/2018 – 30/06/ 2019
Program: COSME
July 4, 2019