Pandemic of COVID-19 is a challenge for everyone
.The COVID-19 pandemic started in China and now is spreading in the rest of the world. IT become a serious challenge for people and companies. The world had seen a lot, but no one expected what we are facing today and how fast everything changed. In just a few weeks, people and businesses had to adapt to the conditions of quarantine and make fast decisions.
Pandemic encourages changes
Laser and engineering technologies sector also had to adapt quickly to these changes. COVID-19 has not had a direct impact on reducing business volumes so far. According to Karolis Kvietkauskas, director of “3d pro”, production volumes have remained more or less unchanged, but changes have to be initiated not only to secure future orders, but also to relocate internal processes.
A lot of effort in being put to safety of workers. Because of the quarantine, LITEK™ members, in order to maximize the protection of their employees, provided the opportunity to work remotely. Workers who could not work remotely were distributed in shifts to allow some time for disinfection of tools and equipment.
In global world businesses are linked so pandemic situation effected all in one way or another. “Most of all, we see that number of new orders is decreased. Another area is export restrictions due to quarantined universities or even entire states. The supply / receipt of components has now adapted to the new conditions, and the delivery times of the raw materials and materials used in production even have even been shortened” – says Ramūnas Valauskas, Production Director of “EKSMA Optics”.
Although there is no panic at the moment, the cancellation of exhibitions, scientific conferences, other events, restricted travels between countries around the world and other disruptions will have a negative impact on the performance of laser and engineering companies in the long run. According to Gintas Jakubėnas, the director of “Optonas”, only the awareness of the whole society and the observance of fair quarantine rules will determine not only the duration of the pandemic, but also the size of economic crisis.
New opportunities
Help for medical sector
Lithuanian companies are helping medical sector by producing protective equipment against the virus. Lithuanian laser sector has been helping to develop lasers for medical research for more than a decade. “We are developing lasers that can help in the future to research and fight more effectively against various human diseases, including viral infections such as COVID-19,” says Jaroslav Kodz.
According to “Ekspla”, everyone has to help those who are currently fighting in the epidemic center. “Ekspla” donated disposable shoe covers, gloves and ordered 1000 protective face shields for medics in Vilnius. Company encourages and others to contribute according to their abilities. Only by remaining united will we be able to overcome pandemic more quickly.