Investments in R&D activities: structural funding with „Intelektas“
Continuous development of innovations is one of the factors that determine the competitiveness of the business and the strength of the national economy. These are one of the reasons why country (state) invests and encourages enterprises to invest in research, development (R&D) and innovation. Regularly published various calls for proposals for financing from the European Union (EU) structural funds co-financed projects enables enterprises to increase their expansion, to enter to new markets and etc. by supporting innovative products, processes and/or technologies.
Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster members by their activities acting in the direction of smart specialization “New manufacturing processes, materials and technologies” actively use possibility to enhance the development of enterprises. One of the recent used measures – “Intelektas. Joint science – business projects.” This is measure of the 1 priority “Research, development and innovation promotion” of Operational programme for European Union Structural Funds investments for 2014 – 2020. Its goal is to encourage companies to invest in R&D (research and development) of innovative products, services or creation of processes. Also to encourage the development of enterprises and the creation of innovative start-ups through investment in R&D and creation and development of innovative infrastructures. In accordance to the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania and their released order for projects funding for the period 2014 – 2020, requests for a partial financing of the project were approved for these applicants: JSC „Ekspla“ (project partners: JSC „Lidaris“, JSC „Optida“) and JSC „Precizika Metrology“ (partner: JSC „Elas“), JSC „Nova Fabrica“ (project partner: Center for Physical Science and Technology (FTMC)).
Implemented projects of members of Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster LITEK by using structural funding “Intelektas”:
Ultrashort Laser Pulses for the Technologies of the Future (TRUST)
The scope of a project: 1.2 Mill. €
As technologies are becoming more popular, more research is done with extremely powerful femtosecond pulses but complexity of the source of these pulses and technology imperfection stops their practical application. The project aim is to meet the need of these sources and prepare the technological base of ultra-high (TW class) power femtosecond systems. During the project “Ekspla” together with its partners will create a compact laser system for high-energy ultra-high peak power femtosecond pulse generation and try some of the essential enhancement and pulse pressure technologies, which are needed for the most powerful laser systems creation. A prototype, which will be formed on the basis of laser hybrid fiber made from laser-contamination and solid state diode pumped power amplifier, will be developed. “Optida” will be responsible for the development of optical coatings with a high resistance for high–power femtosecond pulses, enabling to achieve high peak-power parameters.
Innovative robotic measuring systems and optical components
The scope of a project: 686 k€
The project is designed to increase the competitiveness of “Precizika Metrology” on international market by creating 5 new robotic measuring systems and their components. The project will carry out R&D activities: it will address the scientific/technological uncertainty and will search for new knowledge necessary for creation of new robotic measuring systems and their components with new technical specifications. Developed products will be placed on the market and significantly increase sales revenue. During this project “Elas” will be responsible for developing glass cutting and processing laser micromachining unit.
MINI-PLASMA and MINI-MASSSPEC sensors development
The scope of a project: 370 k€
During the project “Nova Fabrica” aims to create two new high precision and reliability devices – sensors. They will be used for environmental measurements of vacuum production processes. Direct application of these sensors will be for manufacturing processes of solar cells, flat panel displays, architectural glass and other. Sensors will be used on all Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) technology-based processes, especially on Reactive Magnetron Sputtering (RMD). Because of a greater impact on quality of the process result new sensors will replace currently used in industries which uses RMD processes. Sensors for the formation of thin film layers of different vacuum technologies (electron beam, ions, Magnetron Sputttering) for environmental measurements of vacuum processes will be tested in FTMC Optical coatings laboratory as well as properties of formed optical coatings.