Public institution “Science and Technology Park of the Institute of Physics” has completed the project “Strengthening the International Competitiveness of the Laser and Engineering Technology Cluster” (project No. VP2-1.4-ŪM-01-K-01-017), partly funded by the Lithuanian and EU Structural Funds According to the Inoklaster LT + measure.
Means: Inoklaster LT
Project number: VP2-1.4-ŪM-01-K-01-017,
Full value of the project: 504 339 EUR
Implementation period: from 2012-03-12 to 2014-09-11
Aim of the project – to strengthen the international competitiveness of the Laser and Engineering Technology cluster. The Lithuanian laser industry is currently mainly focused on the production of research equipment. However, in order to increase the turnover and export volumes of Lithuanian laser and engineering technology companies, to continue to maintain a competitive global laser market, it is necessary to focus more on other opportunities and markets for laser technologies.
For this reason, it is necessary to study new markets and the needs of potential customers, successfully adapt the management of enterprises and production processes to rapidly changing market conditions, and actively pursue marketing of manufactured products and disseminate information about the possibilities of the Laser and Engineering Cluster.During the project, the cluster and its products were presented at international exhibitions (15 exhibitions) as well as other events, done market researches, cluster members training, launched cluster website and marketing tools.
Participats of this project – JSC “Arginta”, JSC “Eksma”, JSC “Ekspla”, Elas,Ltd., JSC “Optida”, JSC “Optonas”, JSC “Optolita”, JSC “Progressive Business Sulutions”, Public entity ”Intechcentras” and Centrer for Physical Sciences and Technology
October 10, 2014