
LITEK activities coordinator
Public Entity "Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics"“

Savanoriu ave. 235 Vilnius, LT-02300
Phone 85 266 16 40
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Email: info@litek.lt

LITEK™ > Events  > Awarded most innovative Lithuanian companies

Awarded most innovative Lithuanian companies

Awards of „Knowledge Economy Company 2016“ were held on 26th of January, 2017. Congratulations for JSC „3D prototipai“for winning award for „the Successful Young High-tech Company 2016“.

„Knowledge Economy Company“ awards are organized by Knowledge Economy Forum (KEF) for thirteen years. The main goal of this event is to honor the most advanced and the most innovative business or deserving individuals in Lithuania and to encourage young, successful high-tech companies.

Source: www.zef.lt