
LITEK activities coordinator
Public Entity "Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics"“

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LITEK™ > Posts  > New project! LASER-GO: Creating and Developing the Strategic Cluster Partnership in Photonics for Health, COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03

New project! LASER-GO: Creating and Developing the Strategic Cluster Partnership in Photonics for Health, COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03

Partners from Lithuania (coordinator), France and Austria have launched the LASER-GO project at the beginning of 2016. The project aims to increase Europe’s innovation potential and the export-driven growth by connecting three regions situated at important crossroads in Europe by leveraging the competitive strengths of three clusters active in the areas of smart specialization.

OpticsValley (OV), the largest cluster in France specialized in optics, photonics, electronics and software, HumanTechnology Styria (HTS), the major cluster in Austria specialized in life sciences and health technologies and Laser and Engineering Cluster (LITEK), the major high-tech cluster in Lithuania with a focus on optoelectronics and laser technologies. These three clusters propose to create and develop a Strategic Cluster Partnership of Photonics for Health.

The partnership aims to create linkages between cluster companies that could facilitate the new product development pipeline of products aimed at the growing sector of local health care services using key enabling technologies that clusters are focused on, namely: photonics and optoelectronics, laser technologies; wireless communication technologies; bioinformatics & software engineering and non-invasive diagnostics.

LITEK is the coordinator of the project responsible for the implementation of the project and preparation of the establishment of the Strategic Partnership in Photonics for Health, involving three more complimentary clusters, aiming to identify and explore new market opportunities for cluster companies in third countries.


Source: https://ec.europa.eu