
LITEK activities coordinator
Public Entity "Science and Technology Park of Institute of Physics"“

Savanoriu ave. 235 Vilnius, LT-02300
Phone 85 266 16 40
Fax: 8 5 260 23 17
Email: info@litek.lt

LITEK™ > Events  > Baltic Photonic Cluster collaboration with LITEK cluster

Baltic Photonic Cluster collaboration with LITEK cluster

Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster concluded a collaboration agreement with Baltic Photonic Cluster on 30th of November, 2015.

The objectives of BPC (Baltic Photonics Cluster) are facilitation of photonics research and industrial activities in Baltic countries through the development and coordination of relationships with European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC), European Technology Platforms, European Industrial companies, as well as with local, national, European and international organizations and promoting photonics through related research and development.

A close cooperation of the LITEK and the BPC, using the existing LITEK and BPC infrastructure, partners network, management and technological skills in photonics field will support LITEK and BPC, to exchange and will reinforce of international competitiveness of LITEK and BPC clusters. This will provide more critical mass, better quality of services and network interaction for all LITEK, BPC and companies.